Travels in the Land of Women
I’d like to wander around in the back streets of ancient cities, perch on rocks overlooking a thrashing sea, sit late over a drink at a tiny table on the cobbled square of the working quarters, and never have to worry about the men who think I’m marketing my body simply by being there, who think a look is an invitation, who wait ready to snatch a handful of breast, or show me their cock on a momentarily empty road. I’d like to stroll through the morning market in a land where women have walked for generations without fear, with easy confidence, with pride in their bodies and their minds, with free hearts, free eyes. I’d like to apply for permanent residency, buy house, get a cat, plant a bay tree in the yard, learn my neighbors’ names. I’d write long letters home about how wonderful my life had become, living without fear, now that I was living in the land of women.
Published in Borderlands, Court Street Press, Seattle: 1999
Onetime reproduction for non-resale purposes permitted by the author with the following credit line: by Judith Yarrow
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Travels in the Land of Women
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Time and Its Dimensions
Visit to the Old Homestead with my Grandmother
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