Test Pilot
—for Ciam Oh, my son, you were born on the great divide between two Kings—Martin Luther and Rodney—between hopes for citizenship and crumbled aspirations. Oh, our world. The cancer of racial hatred eats the bones of the country, rots our every attempt at connection. I took you on a journey with me into the inner city, into the poverty- driven, color-bounded lives. Then I sent you out to find a new to live with skin color just a fact of life like a nose, like the hair on your head or the back of your hands, a pleasure even. But what else I sent you into— cultures meeting, values overlapping or raging against each other, foundering on class and style—I didn’t begin to guess. And now your life unfolds along a line tangential to my dreams of racial unity. You forge your own way, a man in your own time, piloting the coast of an old land with a new map.
Published in Borderlands, Court Street Press, Seattle: 1999
Onetime reproduction for non-resale purposes permitted by the author with the following credit line: by Judith Yarrow
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Test Pilot
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Time and Its Dimensions
Visit to the Old Homestead with my Grandmother
White Horse Running
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