The Friis Family Tree


This document is a compilation of the Danish original and a translation by UE Fries in 1944, with commentary and additional translation by Judith Yarrow.


The front page of the Danish version of the family history

Slaegten Friis
fra 1646 indtil 1944.
(Family Friis from 1646 to 1944)

Samlet og nedskrevet af
Marie og Th. Friis,
(Assembled and written down by
Marie & Thorvald Friis

Toftvang i Fabjerg,
Aaret 1943/1944
(the years 1943/1944)
v Slaegter kommer,
Slaegter gaar,
Gud alene for alting raa'r.
(Family comes
Family goes
God alone for? everything



Introduction by Ulrick Fries

To my dear Children, Grandchildren, Nieces, and Nephews:

I want to tell all of you that the contents of this little book concerning the Friis Family starting in the year 1698. These records were gathered together by my youngest brother Thorvald Holger Friis by traveling from one place to another in Denmark searching through old records kept in parishes by the different ministers and they are as far as we know absolutely correct and reliable.

It is my hope that these records will be cherished by all of you and that they will be preserved as sacred treasure and that the lives of your forefathers will be a worthy example for all of you to emulate.

I pray that Almighty God will guide, shield, and bless all of you and our beloved Country, the United States of America.

U.E. Fries Brewster, Washington, January 15, 1942

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